

WHAT’S YOUR N.O.S.E. (Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation) SCORE?

How blocked is your nose?

Rate your symptoms 0-4:

0 Not a problem

1 Mild problem

2 Moderate problem

3 Significant problem

4 Severe problem

Start Assessment

N.O.S.E. Score:

0 No obstruction

5-25 Mild obstruction

26-50 Moderate obstruction

51-75 Significant obstruction

76-100 Severe obstruction

Why is my nose stuffed up (again!!)?

The frequent sensation that your nose is blocked is really quite common – you have millions of fellow-sufferers. There are several possible causes for that ‘stuffy nose’ feeling. Some could be related to cold or allergy, and others may be caused by your unique nasal anatomy, or by trauma.

The N.O.S.E. tool helps you consider and rate these symptoms of nasal obstruction:

Nasal congestion or stuffiness – the feeling that accompanies cold or mild allergies

Nasal blockage or obstruction – a more constant blockage that doesn’t seem to be related to a cold, infection or seasonal allergies

Trouble breathing through my nose – more severe and persistent breathing difficulty that interferes with normal, daily activity

Trouble sleeping – your breathing difficulty is accompanied by snoring, disrupted sleep, restlessness or sleep apnea

Unable to get enough air through my nose during exercise or exertion – you feel ‘starved’ or deprived of oxygen while exercising or exerting yourself

Use this self-evaluation tool to see what might be causing your congestion, then have a closer look at some of the possible culprits.

How to interpret your N.O.S.E. score

0: Nothing to worry about here – go on enjoying your life!

5 – 25: Mild obstruction. If it doesn’t interfere with life activities, there’s little cause for concern. Remember to tell your doctor at your next checkup.

26 – 50: Moderate obstruction. At the moderate level, your obstructed breathing is affecting your daily activities, and you should consider making an appointment with your doctor to discuss it.

51 – 75: Significant obstruction. Your condition warrants a visit to your regular doctor. After an exam and evaluation, you might be referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist for further consultation.

76 – 100: Severe obstruction. Disturbed sleep, fatigue, and difficulty with exertion or exercise are clues that your obstruction can possibly have broader health consequences. You should see your doctor, and ask for a specialist referral.

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