The effects of allergies on your nasal airway

The effects of allergies on your nasal airway
Better breathing can make a big difference in athletic performance
I seem to be sleepy at times I’m supposed to be awake. Why?
Are you at risk for high blood pressure? Millions of Americans have this ‘silent killer’ and don’t even know it. Here’s how nose breathing techniques can help lower your blood pressure.
Boosting your metabolism doesn’t come only from engaging in strenuous exercise. You can improve metabolism and gain some overall health benefits anytime, by learning better habits of breathing.
A recent study explains how a lack of oxygen in fat cells can lead to obesity-induced insulin resistance and diabetes. Learn how your breathing habits can help maintain healthy oxygen intake, and make it a little easier to avoid the descending cycle that can lead to obesity and diabetes.
Do you have trouble breathing when you’re trying to sleep? Do you snore or sometimes wake up choking? Did you know that breathing through your nose can help you sleep better?
If you suffer from indigestion, you should know about the vital connection between good breathing habits and digestive tract health.
There are many breathing techniques for calming down, relaxing and sleeping. But what if you need a boost in concentration and memory power? The answer is in your breathing!
Optimal blood oxygen levels are a vital part of good health and top performance from head to heart and throughout your body. Here’s how you can help guarantee your brain, lungs and heart a steady supply of life-giving oxygen.